Robot Creative Awarded Six Summit Creative Awards in 2020

September 16, 2020

SAN ANTONIO, TX – Robot Creative, a San Antonio-based creative firm, received six Summit Creative Awards for 2020 in various categories including two new categories: Coronavirus Response and Audience Specific Marketing. The firm also won awards in the TV Commercial and Website Design categories.

TV Commercials & Coronavirus Response – Sea Island Shrimp House
In the spring of 2020, COVID-19 caused restaurants to close their dining rooms and rely on to-go orders. When Sea Island Shrimp House needed to get the word out about online ordering and curbside options, and when they later reopened at limited capacity, ROBOT provided campaign strategy and creative to help them face the challenge. ROBOT produced two TV commercials – one showcasing the new curbside service and one when dining rooms reopened, welcoming customers back for safe curbside and dine-in. BOTH commercials received Bronze level Summit Creative Awards in two categories (one for the new category of Coronavirus Response and another for TV Commercial Spot).

Audience Specific Marketing, Millennials – Sea Island Shrimp House Rebrand
Sea Island Shrimp House is a 50+ year-old business that wanted to ensure their brand appeal would be as strong for a younger audience. ROBOT lead the restaurant through a rebranding project and strategic marketing plan including recommendations and creative execution for new uniforms, menus, interior décor, website design, social media posts and digital marketing with the goal of appealing to the millennial audience. The rebrand/marketing won a Silver level award in the new Audience Specific Marketing category.

Millennial targeted messaging in marketing materials

Website Design – Brazosport Convention and Visitors Council
The Brazosport Convention and Visitors Council needed a website redesign to showcase the area’s family-friendly attractions and draw in new visitors. ROBOT developed an easy-to-navigate website full of searchable, filterable and dynamic content with functionality like event schedules and Google map plug-ins. The back end was designed to easily be updated by in-house staff. The website won a Bronze Summit Creative Award in the Travel/Tourism/Nature Website category.

Web Design for tourism group by Robot Creative

About the Awards
Summit International Awards gives small and medium-sized creative firms and agencies the chance to compete to showcase outstanding work. The twenty-six year competition engages more than 50 countries where applicants submit every year. The Summit Creative Awards focuses on how strong the concepts or ideas are, how well the creative communicates the message to the intended target audience. To learn more, click here.

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