Kris Jones Named Senior Designer at Robot Creative

June 18, 2024

Kris Jones has been a designer and web developer at Robot Creative since 2019. Her experience in website design and development, programming and graphic design made her a great addition to the team from day one. Read on to learn more about Kris.

Your Time at Robot

Q: What roles have you held while working at Robot Creative?

A: I was hired as a front-end web designer/developer, though I transitioned more fully into the design department over time. I even served temporarily as an account manager for website maintenance clients to help our account management team. My favorite role, though, is as a graphic designer.

Q: What’s one of your favorite things about working at Robot Creative?
A: I like the variety of work we do for our clients. We’re not industry specialists, so I could work on a landing page for a nonprofit, an ad campaign for a home services client and a brochure for a business services client all in one day. The vast array of industries we focus on makes each day different and exciting.

Q: When did you realize this company was the right place for you?
A: When I was applying, I researched the company, and when I looked at the website, I fell in love with the vibe. I enjoyed the team photography interspersed with pet headshots on the About Us page, and the language used really spoke to the unique culture of the team. I was also drawn to Robot Creative because the name is unique and memorable. I could tell it was going to be a fun place to work.

Q: How have you been able to grow professionally?
A: Every day is an opportunity to learn something new at Robot. Since I’ve been here, I’ve learned how to use new design software and development platforms. I’ve deepened my understanding of design principles, advertising campaign planning, copywriting and more. I’ve also been given the opportunity to develop managerial and leadership skills. If you love learning and working in a collaborative space, Robot Creative is the place to work.

Let’s Talk Projects

Q: Can you share with us a challenging project that ultimately succeeded? 
A: We created custom packaging for a manufacturing client, which was the first time I had worked on this type of design project. It was stressful initially because it incorporated a lot of research to find new vendors, design planning for a 3D application, and a hard deadline and budget for the client. Ultimately, there was some trial and error along the way, but it turned out great. I learned so much from the process.

Q: What’s your favorite type of project?
A: I really enjoy putting together multi-channel campaigns. I  like creating multiple assets, from landing pages to videos, display ads and more, that must work together to accomplish the client’s goal. Working through the customer journey helps me understand how to create compelling content that funnels a user to our intended conversion point.

Q: How do you begin a design project?
A: I start by asking questions to better understand the client, project and goals. I ensure I have all the project information and assets, then begin researching competitors and role models. Having good role models and a baseline of what other companies do is a great place to start when creating a unique piece.

Q: How do you develop a brand for clients?
A: We work with many businesses that come to us to create or update their brand. Sometimes, they need help evolving after a major shift in their offering or industry. It’s important to understand whether the client is in a saturated market where they need help standing out or in an emerging market where they need to look more established. After researching and benchmarking against competitors or role models, we explore brand directions, relying heavily on color theory and typography. Certain colors represent certain things and emotions, so it’s important to understand that before choosing particular colors. Certain colors also work better together than others, so a solid foundation in design principles and color theory is critical.

Looking Ahead

Q: In the next five years, where do you see yourself?
A: I’m intrigued by the use of AI in the creative industry and would like to learn more and be a part of a team that is continuing to push the creative package with technology in an ethical manner. Because I’m so passionate about what I do, I hope to be a leader in my field, providing mentorship and guidance to those coming up behind me.

Q: What helpful advice do you have for someone who wants to join Robot Creative as a graphic designer?
A: Collaboration and transparency are core values at Robot Creative, and we live them every day. Learning to give and receive feedback and constructive criticism is critical for any position here. I can’t tell you how many times I received feedback from the team, and the end result was way better than I had envisioned at the beginning of the project.  

Q: What do you look forward to when thinking about the future of Robot Creative and your role here?
A: It’s super exciting to be a part of a growing company. The acquisition of Benson Design this year and our significant growth in the Houston market over the past few years validate to me that I’m in the right place to be challenged and grow my career.

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