Securing a Web Presence

August 10, 2010

ThreadStrong is a self-paced, e-Learning solution, designed by Denim Group experts, to help developers understand and apply the principles of secure application development. ROBOT built the ThreadStrong website as a multi-purpose site: 1) as a sales tool/online brochure to which Denim Group could direct leads to more information about the product, and 2) as a front-door for prospects looking for application security training. ROBOT built the site to be search engine-friendly from the start, so we employed much of the SEO strategy during the site development.


  • Search Terms – Both “e-Learning” and “application security” go by many different names (i.e. virtual training, computer-based training, software security, etc).
  • Competition – ThreadStrong has several direct and indirect competitors on a national and international level.


  • Keyword Development – Keyword research determined which phrases and keyword variations were used most often in searches. Because broader terms, such as “application security training”, were the most popular, and very few people actually search for “e-Learning”, we decided to focus our efforts on addressing the broader need of application security training.
  • Content Development – Keyword research also helped shape the site structure during development. Messaging focuses on why e-Learning was an important component of an overall training program. Goal keywords were also incorporated into the site content, including page headers and image tags.
  • Link Strategy – ROBOT developed and implemented a link strategy, which included an industry-targeted social media approach specific to ThreadStrong. Denim Group principals are heavily involved in the application security industry and are active social media participants. Denim Group experts reached out to other industry experts through blogs and other social media to get links back to the ThreadStrong website.
  • Google AdWords Setup – ROBOT set up a campaign within Denim Group’s AdWords account to drive immediate traffic while waiting for search engines to organically index the site (which can usually take up to 90 days).

Threadstrong is being found for over 200 search phrases including “application security training”, “secure coding in .net” and “secure software training courses”. Search engine traffic in the past 3 months increased by 55% from the same 3 months last year, with visitors from 22 countries around the world.


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