Lara’s Color Theme Featured in Kuler Promotion

August 14, 2007

Lara recently had one of her color themes included in a nifty deck of color cards that was sent out to an international audience to promote KulerKuler is a color forum and design tool created by Adobe as part of their Adobe Labs, a series of communities developed to create design discussions and collaboration.

The theme “East End Boat Park” is a series of colors that Lara discovered on a trip to St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands. (See an earlier slideshow from the trip.) In her habit if taking photos of random things with appealing colors, a sliver of a sign that said “East End Boat Park” showed up in the photo and lent a great title to the color theme.

You can check out all of Lara’s color themes by visiting the Kuler website and searching for “lara”.

Also check out an earlier post about Kuler, and stayed tuned for more updates on how we’re using this neat online community.

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