Lara August Featured on the Get Business Savvy Podcast

November 9, 2023

We are excited to share that our CEO and founder, Lara August, was featured on the Get Business Savvy podcast.

In this episode, Lara discusses how she reached success in her 25-year entrepreneurial journey, talks about why staying true to your core values is crucial, and shares lessons learned along the way. She dives into her passion for art, marketing and her immense gratitude to her father, who has offered incredible support, encouragement and guidance throughout her professional career. 

Whether you’re just starting your own business or have been in business for years, this episode highlights tips you can use on your own entrepreneurial journey.

This weekly podcast is hosted by George Black and AJ Bishop, covering interviews about the “hard knocks” of being an entrepreneur. With over 150 videos, George and AJ discuss the ups and downs of going on an entrepreneurial journey in an uplifting way and regularly bring in successful entrepreneurs to share their stories. 

Check out the episode with Lara below

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